How to treat cold sores

While cold sores are not a serious condition in most people, they are unpleasant to suffer. For anyone who suffers from them frequently, knowing how to treat cold sores can make a bit impact on their life; for those who don't read on to discover some tips.

1. As soon as you detect the first sign of outbreak, quarantine your sore. The herpes simplex virus is extremely contagious and is often spread by kissing. Therefore avoid touching you sore, always wash you hands after touching it and don't kiss anyone or share food or drinking utensils.
2. Take an antiviral medicine such as Acyclovir. While it won't cure the sore it can spped up the healing process and lessen its impact on your life. Topical creams such as Denavir and Abreva can also be used.
3. Some people, especially children, may experience a fever during an attack. If so, treat with acetaminophen or similar.

4. Over-the-counter cold sore treatments can help reduce pain, but also consider aspirin and ibuprofen.
5. Applying ice to the infected area can be effective in relieving the pain. Apply an ice pack for 15 to 30 minutes, and if applied at the tingling stage it may prevent the blister completely.
6. Dab milk at room temperature to the sore to ease pain and aid healing.

By testing several of these remedies you will find what specifically works for you and what doesn't. By making a note for the next time you will eventually learn how to treat cold sores in a way that makes most sense for you.

How to get rid of cold sores safely and naturally

If you are interested in more in-depth information on how to get rid of cold sores next time you're suffering from them I recommend the e-book Cold Sore Freedom in 3 Days by Grace Melgarejo.

Available as an instant download you can start using Grace's treatments immediately.

Click here to learn how you can start to get rid of your cold sores now!