Treatment For Cold Sores - pharmaceutical or alternative remedies?

With a variety of pharmaceutical and alternative remedies on the market, it can be overwhelming to try and select a treatment for cold sores. Both approaches have their pros and cons and you will find that your response to a treatment may be very different to another individual. You should therefore be prepared to try several different treatments to find out how effective they are for you.

Whatever type of treatment you choose, the earlier you begin treatment, the better. You should start treating your cold sore as soon as you can feel the tingling that precedes the emergence of the blister.

One of the standard treatments is an aciclovir-based cream that is applied several times a day. Aciclovir is the active ingredient in Zovirax and works to prevent multiplication of the virus and accelerate healing. However, it is no miracle cure and you the overall time for the cold sore to heal is likely to be reduced by two days. However, in some people it is known to almost stop the virus from developing completely and on that basis is worth trying. If you are prone to recurring cold sore attacks you should ensure you have a tube of an antiviral cream at home so that you can begin treatment immediately when required.

However, many people find antiviral creams do not offer much relief and research undertaken in Switzerland found antiviral creams to be no better than natural remedies on average. Many people first try an alternative treatment for cold sores when they find that other products have limited efficacy; the expense and risk of side effects from pharmaceutical products can also be a factor in people's choice.

Popular natural remedies include the application of tea tree oil or lemon balm to the infected area. These both appear to contain natural antiviral compounds and can help reduce the impact of cold sores on your life, moisturize to prevent cracking and reduce inflammation and pain.

As you can see, there is no definitive answer as to whether treatment for cold sores is pharmaceutical or alternative in nature. The only real answer is to try several remedies and find out what works for you as an individual.

How to get rid of cold sores safely and naturally

If you are interested in more in-depth information on how to get rid of cold sores next time you're suffering from them I recommend the e-book Cold Sore Freedom in 3 Days by Grace Melgarejo.

Available as an instant download you can start using Grace's treatments immediately.

Click here to learn how you can start to get rid of your cold sores now!