Cold sore medicine

While it is not currently possible to completely cure cold sores, cold sore medication exists in the form of anti-viral treatments that act on the virus when it reactivates.

The cold sore medication contains either penciclovir or acyclovir and acts as a suppressant to the herpes simplex virus. If it is applied when the tingling first appears it can interfere with the virus's ability to replicate and therefore reduces the impact of the cold sore outbreak.

Although these treatments are relatively expensive, when they are used correctly they can provide a great deal of relief to sufferers.

How to get rid of cold sores safely and naturally

If you are interested in more in-depth information on how to get rid of cold sores next time you're suffering from them I recommend the e-book Cold Sore Freedom in 3 Days by Grace Melgarejo.

Available as an instant download you can start using Grace's treatments immediately.

Click here to learn how you can start to get rid of your cold sores now!